Thursday, May 21, 2015

Better Sleep & Chiropractic

Genevieve first came to our office about three weeks ago. She was miserable. Because she had been in poor condition for so long, she couldn't drive and was brought in by her husband. With tears in her tired eyes she repeated "I just hurt so bad." 

Nearly fifteen years previously, Genevieve was involved in a fairly serious car crash. At that time, she chose the medical rout of pain pills and time. Over the years, her health slowly deteriorated. She had been given the diagnosis of "fibromyalgia" and told she would be on meds the rest of her life.
Genevieve has been under care for about a month. When she came in for follow-up care this week, she was different. She was chatty, enthusiastic and bright eyed. Genevieve told me she had been sleeping through the night for about a week. Not only was her original problem improving, she felt little need for the medication and for the first time in what she described as "years", she was sleeping!   
By appropriately correcting skeletal structure, we reduce tension on the nervous system. When the nervous system is free from irritation, the body simply works better and wonderful things begin to happen! Chiropractic... It does a body good!

Richard H.Crokin, DC

Monday, April 13, 2015

Herniated Disc, Sciatica and Chiropractic

A 31 year old guy came into the office today barely able to walk.  The MRI report he brought with him discussed multiple areas of joint effusion and an obvious left sided disc protrusion. The protrusion was big enough to compress the nerve root causing throbbing leg pain and weakness in the ankle resulting in "foot drop." Not a good sign.

When I tested the associated muscles, he could not even raise his left big toe let alone provide resistance. This weakness was classic for this type of situation and was a clear indication of pressure on the nerve. I explained the situation, described what I was looking for indicating improvement and we got to work. 

When we finished treatment, I went back to the weak muscles and checked again. Although the big toe was still weaker than the right, he was able to move it and hold it up without resistance! This is a very good sign suggesting appropriate Chiropractic care just might keep him off the surgeons table. 

What if Chiropractic was the answer for you too?

Call me. If I think I can help you, I'll tell you. If I can't help you, I'll tell you.

Richard H. Crokin, DC

Monday, March 30, 2015

Injuries of Having Fun

Last weekend was "blue-bird" on Mt. Hood. Patrolling offers a great opportunity to get outside, share some time in the snow with great people and help out when necessary. It's a win-win-win!

I was stationed at the bottom of the Palmer Glacier when two snowboarders came screaming down the slope at "mach speed." I watch as one misses a turn, buries his head in the hard snow, flips "scorpion style" and slides to a stop.

As I arrived on scene, he poped up with a big smile on his face saying "Woe! That was big!" Relieved to see he was not going to be an emergency case, I could not help to wonder how his neck / back was going to feel in a day or two.

Often the things we choose to do have inherent risks associated.  I say get out there! Rip it up and have fun! Simply be aware of your body and contact Fox Chiropractic for your "injuries of having fun" tune-up...

Richard H. Crokin, DC
(503) 431-2388

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Chiropractic 101

When explaining how Chiropractic helps, I frequently give this example to patients. Although a bit outdated, this quick and simple analogy seems to be effective when describing the old "bone out of place, pressure on nerve, dysfunction of body" scinario. (Please understand things are MUCH more complicated...)

After showing a life sized model of the spine and relationship to the nerves, I'll reach for a regular rubber-band. I ask to pretend their fingers are the nerve that comes from the spine and goes to the stomach then wrap the rubber-band around the fingers.

Question 1- "Can your stomach possibly work as well as it should  with the pressure from the rubber band on the nerve?"

Answer 1- Invariably the answer is... "Well, no. I guess not." 

Question 2- "What's the best thing we can do right now for your fingers?"

Answer 2- The best answer is... "Well. Take the rubber-band off!"

Question 3- "If I take the rubber-band off, would your finger feel better and  your
stomach be better able to function correctly?"

Answer 3- Most everyone says... "Ya. I think so."

That's Chiropractic! 
Remove the pressure from the nerve and let the body heal.
Feel Better - Function Better

Richard H. Crokin, DC
(503) 431-2388