When explaining how Chiropractic helps, I frequently give this example to patients. Although a bit outdated, this quick and simple analogy seems to be effective when describing the old "bone out of place, pressure on nerve, dysfunction of body" scinario. (Please understand things are MUCH more complicated...)
After showing a life sized model of the spine and relationship to the nerves, I'll reach for a regular rubber-band. I ask to pretend their fingers are the nerve that comes from the spine and goes to the stomach then wrap the rubber-band around the fingers.
Question 1- "Can your stomach possibly work as well as it should with the pressure from the rubber band on the nerve?"
Answer 1- Invariably the answer is... "Well, no. I guess not."
Question 2- "What's the best thing we can do right now for your fingers?"
Answer 2- The best answer is... "Well. Take the rubber-band off!"
Question 3- "If I take the rubber-band off, would your finger feel better and your
stomach be better able to function correctly?"
Answer 3- Most everyone says... "Ya. I think so."
That's Chiropractic!
Remove the pressure from the nerve and let the body heal.
Feel Better - Function Better
Richard H. Crokin, DC
(503) 431-2388