Thursday, May 21, 2015

Better Sleep & Chiropractic

Genevieve first came to our office about three weeks ago. She was miserable. Because she had been in poor condition for so long, she couldn't drive and was brought in by her husband. With tears in her tired eyes she repeated "I just hurt so bad." 

Nearly fifteen years previously, Genevieve was involved in a fairly serious car crash. At that time, she chose the medical rout of pain pills and time. Over the years, her health slowly deteriorated. She had been given the diagnosis of "fibromyalgia" and told she would be on meds the rest of her life.
Genevieve has been under care for about a month. When she came in for follow-up care this week, she was different. She was chatty, enthusiastic and bright eyed. Genevieve told me she had been sleeping through the night for about a week. Not only was her original problem improving, she felt little need for the medication and for the first time in what she described as "years", she was sleeping!   
By appropriately correcting skeletal structure, we reduce tension on the nervous system. When the nervous system is free from irritation, the body simply works better and wonderful things begin to happen! Chiropractic... It does a body good!

Richard H.Crokin, DC