Monday, March 30, 2015

Injuries of Having Fun

Last weekend was "blue-bird" on Mt. Hood. Patrolling offers a great opportunity to get outside, share some time in the snow with great people and help out when necessary. It's a win-win-win!

I was stationed at the bottom of the Palmer Glacier when two snowboarders came screaming down the slope at "mach speed." I watch as one misses a turn, buries his head in the hard snow, flips "scorpion style" and slides to a stop.

As I arrived on scene, he poped up with a big smile on his face saying "Woe! That was big!" Relieved to see he was not going to be an emergency case, I could not help to wonder how his neck / back was going to feel in a day or two.

Often the things we choose to do have inherent risks associated.  I say get out there! Rip it up and have fun! Simply be aware of your body and contact Fox Chiropractic for your "injuries of having fun" tune-up...

Richard H. Crokin, DC
(503) 431-2388