Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Chiropractors, Portland OR

The chiropractic results that used to surprise me have now become daily expectations. 

A young woman we've been seeing with severe shoulder pain related to working two demanding jobs came in for the third visit to tell me she was essentially pain free! She started with searing right sided neck pain that radiated into her arm and elbow with numbness into her last two fingers. She had a lot of trouble performing necessary work related tasks, couldn't go to the gym and was generally a mess.

There was a time I may have referred her for some expensive MRI or silly nerve conduction testing. These types of tests are important in some circumstances but having seen this type of presentation so many times, I simply followed what I know to be true about muscles, nerves and bones and let her body do the rest.

If all of Portland, OR knew what I know about the profound effects of good chiropractic, the world would be a better place. If you have a problem with your muscles, nerves or bones, call Fox Chiropractic! There is probably a cost effective, non-invasive way to get you back on track. 

The Call Is Free!

(503) 431.2388

Friday, July 29, 2011

Integrated Chiropractic in Portland OR

There must be 10's of thousands of people in Portland OR who's health would drastically improve if they simply found the right chiropractor. I think the problem is those people just don't understand how profoundly powerful proper chiropractic care can be. 

If there was a cost effective way to improve gas mileage and significantly reduce the amount of money spend on fuel do you think everyone would jump on it? 

OK... Maybe you'd have to spend  a few dollars over the course of a few weeks but after that... Smooth sailing and a lifetime of improved mileage, decreased engine ware and reduced emissions.  I think a whole lot of people would if they just knew how well it would work.

 In a similar manner, when the body works well... That is the parts are moving smoothly, the nerves are firing well and the brain is clicking along as it should... health improves and healthcare costs GO DOWN! Yes... It is just that easy.

I understand chiropractic care is not expected to prevent forest fires or save whales. However, when appropriately applied to the average human, amazing things happen. 

Check these out!
                                                      Hope Restored

What health challenge do you have? 
When you're ready, we'll be here
(503) 431.2388

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Your Sore Back and Your Brain

A good question may be "How can a sore back affect my brain?" Well, I'm glad you asked because that is what Fox Chiropractic in Portland, OR is all about. Understand, if left untreated, even something as seemingly small as a sprained ankle can develop into a brain  injury! Curious how???

Remember the old saying how the knee bone is connected to the arm bone? Well, I'm telling you that is in large part correct. See, the body is a system. IT ALL WORKS TOGETHER. Change how one part works and change how the system works. Maybe it is as simple as that sprained ankle changing the way you walk that eventually "throws your back out." Or maybe it's something a bit more sinister...

Three Big Points:
1) We are put together to operate in gravity 
2) Gravity helps provide our brain with the all important constant stimulation 
3) Affect how the body functions in gravity and affect the very function of the brain 

So, now maybe a child crashes on a bike and later develops ADD / ADHD. Maybe an adult gets rear ended and develops memory problems. Maybe an office employee slumps over a computer all day and develops heartburn / reflux or other GI issue.  

Of course there are a lot of things to consider in each example. But one common denominator is the significant possibility of small changes in the body, changing the way that body moves in gravity ultimately changing the way that brain works!

If you have physical symptoms, chances are you have a body / brain problem? Check out our web site or call us with you questions. We look forward to helping you "function at your best!"

 I-5 "Haines St Exit 923"
(503) 431.2388

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Summertime Chiropractic in PDX

It's summer and the kids are supposed to be blowing off a little steam. Maybe that means playing one of many team sports or other physical activity or honing "First Person Shooter" skills with hours of on line or video time. Either way can be a blast and a pain in the neck!
Has your child ever said "...My back hurts."?

 Ever wonder as an adult about that time you crashed on your bike, got slammed by a pillow, had the chair pulled out or other million things kids do? You know the time. Ever wonder if that's maybe the cause of your neck or back pain today?

Young people should be evaluated for genetic or injury related changes in the spine. Here's why... 

The spine reacts with gravity to give the central nervous system and brain the very thing they absolutely must have to survive... Stimulation. Gravity constantly pulls on the spine and specialized cells and organs in the muscles and joints constantly make electricity to power the system. Changes in gravity or changes in the spine could cause changes in the power supply to the central nervous system causing who knows whatever symptom, pain or disease ?

 Kids need chiropractic! Their very future depends in large part on how well their spine works in gravity! Understand, chiropractic care for young people looks different than you might think. At Fox Chiropractic, there is not a lot of "neck cracking" for kids. If it it necessary and the nervous system can tolerate it, we'll likely use an instrument to help be more specific and easier on the patient. 
Maybe your neck and back injury really is a new thing or... Maybe it was weakened as a kid and finally gave out on you. You can help prevent your child from having the same experience by a simple spinal check up at Fox Chiropractic. (503) 431.2388

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Chiropractic in Portland OR

(See our web page here)

Here you are. Probably dealing with some neck or back pain that's got your looking for a local chiropractor in Portland and I bet you've found many. So what do you do and who do you choose?

Healthcare, especially chiropractic, is a very personal thing. Not only is the office evaluating you and your condition, you should be evaluating the office and staff. Are they nice, is the office clean, does the doctor seem like he / she cares? Not to mention a chiropractor is touching you and getting in your space. This is why our chiropractic office is willing to offer no cost consults and new patient discounts because we know you probably want to "try us" before shelling out a bunch of money.

Fox Chiropractic is different. With over 30 years of combined experience, chances are we've helped many who felt just like you do.

See our web site for lots more info and regular discount offers.