Thursday, January 16, 2014

Can you help me with...

Wow. Too often I'm amazed at how little the general public really knows about what a Chiropractor does and the conditions we help with. Today, at a community event I participate in every week, I was asked if Chiropractors help sciatica. Did I hear that correctly? Had that person been listening over the past year?  Last week a current patient asked if I thought I could help her office mate with headaches. Had I not been educating her for weeks about Chiropractic? My own mother asked if she should see a Chiropractor to help with tingles into her fingers! WHAT? I was shocked. The answer to all of these questions is an absolute, wholehearted and unequivocal YES!

Chiropractors work on the nervous system. If the organ in question is controlled or affected by the nervous system, the answer is always yes. Understand we probably will not be effective for a toothache, hang nail or frizzy hair BUT... nearly everything else... heartburn, constipation, menstrual pain, tremors, concussion and yes, sciatica, headaches and numbness / tingles are EXACTLY  the type of issues we help with because these things are under control of the nervous system. Get it? 

Take a look at the "Chiropractic Chart of Effects"
 ( A nice link I found on the net )

The body is extremely complicated while Chiropractic is extremely simply; Remove the stress from the nervous system and let the body do what it needs to do!

Have a specific question, call me directly: (503) 431-2388. If I can help you I'll tell you. If I can't help you I'll tell you.

Richard H. Crokin - Proud to be a Chiropractor