There must be 10's of thousands of people in Portland OR who's health would drastically improve if they simply found the right chiropractor. I think the problem is those people just don't understand how profoundly powerful proper chiropractic care can be.

OK... Maybe you'd have to spend a few dollars over the course of a few weeks but after that... Smooth sailing and a lifetime of improved mileage, decreased engine ware and reduced emissions. I think a whole lot of people would if they just knew how well it would work.
In a similar manner, when the body works well... That is the parts are moving smoothly, the nerves are firing well and the brain is clicking along as it should... health improves and healthcare costs GO DOWN! Yes... It is just that easy.
I understand chiropractic care is not expected to prevent forest fires or save whales. However, when appropriately applied to the average human, amazing things happen.
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